COunseling Services:

Individual & Online Therapy

Serving Seattle and Washington State

Telehealth Counseling, Online Therapy, Seattle, Washington State, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Men's Counseling

Individual Counseling & Online Therapy for Adults

Thank you for considering Individual Counseling and Telehealth/Online Therapy with me! If you found your way here, you are not content with something in life and you want help making change. You may have been struggling for a long time or you may have experienced a recent stressor or transition. Your old ways of thinking, interacting, coping, and functioning are not working well enough and you want to feel better. I will help you make vital changes in these areas to heal and grow!

Individual Counseling and Online Therapy work! Research tells us that counseling success is mostly determined by “engagement,” engagement between you and me, and your engagement with the change process between sessions. I think you will value my collaborative, supportive, thoughtful, socially conscious, and direct approach to therapy. My approach draws on 15 years of counseling experience. It includes elements of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT proficiency in: Cognitive Processing Therapy- CPT, Prolonged Exposure- PE, Behavioral Activation- BA, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy- PCIT, Triple P for parenting, & Multi-Systemic Therapy- MST), Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Social-Ecological, Social-Justice, and Mindfulness principles.

Individual Counseling and Online Therapy Process

How do you imagine the therapy process? Individual counseling can look vastly different depending on which psychotherapist and which client are working together. I believe that you are the expert on you, you are resilient, and you have the capacity to change, heal, and grow.  I am a good listener who is curious about my clients. I will be thoughtful, compassionate, straightforward, and practical as we work together. I will help you gain new insight and experiment with alternative ways of thinking and acting. 

In the first few sessions, I will focus on getting to know you and learning about your concerns and goals. Then, we will determine a plan for individual counseling. The therapy focus might include: increasing healthy coping skills, sleep hygiene, mindfulness, cognitive coping to think differently, behavioral activation and scheduling activities to improve your mood and increase your energy, processing your current stressful situations and challenging life history, assessing and refining the beliefs that guide you in life (ex. beliefs about safety, trust, power/control, esteem, relationships/intimacy, and meaning making), imaginal exposure to recall stressful/traumatic memories and recognize your power to handle them, live exposure to overcome anxiety provoking situations, decision making for big choices, motivational interviewing to help you make changes, evaluating your relationships, and building communication skills. 

As we interact, we may discover more critical goals. Our plan is flexible, and we can always thoughtfully adapt and re-prioritize. Your feedback is crucial to our engagement and ultimately achieving your goals.

Start Individual Counseling and Online Therapy in Seattle and across Washington State today!

The COVID-19 Pandemic increased demand for psychotherapy and made starting individual counseling and online therapy more daunting. Finding an experienced therapist with openings for new clients increased in difficulty. Despite a huge need for mental health counseling, many people continue to stay on the fence about online therapy, forego searching for a therapist, and push beyond the Pandemic without desired help. Online counseling works just as well as in-person therapy and offers the added convenience of avoiding all the logistical challenges associated with in-person therapy. Ultimately, considering online therapy increases your opportunity to work with an experienced and well-matched therapist quickly and feel better sooner!

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